What has changed in the healthcare and Life Sciences ecosystems? What should we do about it?
Over the past two years, the world has changed. But what aspects of change really matter to our roles as leaders? And what should we be doing in response?
Here are some of the topics we addressed at this year's Forum:
How have business development and licensing evolved with the COVID 19 effect on science, the changing regulatory environment, and the impact of remote working?
What are the trends that will make a decisive difference to health care systems over the next decade?
What are the implications of ESG?
Will the importance of social impact factors be making a fundamental difference in healthcare and life sciences?
And what about the intensifying demands for effective leadership as well as scientific acumen -- and the new job and career expectations of millennials, and generation Z?
At this Forum, CEOs and C-Suite leaders took stock of where they are, where they need to be going, and how to get there. No PowerPoint, no speeches; rather, pragmatic, peer-to-peer dialogues, simulations and networking around the leadership topics that will make a decisive difference.
David King; Operating Partner - Healthcare, Pritzker Private Capital; Board of Directors, BinxHealth
Paul Hastings; Chairman, BIO; CEO, Nkarta Therapeutics
Carolyn Morgan; President, PrecisionHealth
Ambar Boodhoo; Partner, Ernst & Young
Kathy Ku; Chief Licensing Advisor, Wilson Sonsini
Cal Roberts, MD; CEO, Lighthouse Guild
David King; Operating Partner - Healthcare, Pritzker Private Capital; Board of Directors, BinxHealth
Michelle McMurry Heath; President & CEO, BIO
Cameron Durrant; Chairman & CEO, Humanigen
Stephen Brengle; Managing Director, WittKieffer
Ray Jordan; Communications & Public Affairs Consultant, Former Global Head of Corporate Affairs: Moderna, Amgen, J&J
Eric Dube; President & CEO, Travere Therapeutics
Cheryl Pemberton-Graves; Chief Volunteer Officer, Lighthouse Guild
Paul Hastings; Chairman, BIO; CEO, Nkarta Therapeutics
Julie Gerberding; Executive Vice President, Merck
Nate McCutcheon; COO & EVP, Shionogi Inc.
Welcome and introductions
The new transformation agendas
Are Healthcare and Life Sciences really social impact enterprises?
Peer discussion
New value: Where will it be created, and how?
Small group workshop
To view session leaders and descriptions, please click here.
Small group workshop
It's a people problem: The biggest challenge in our industry
New agendas: Patient engagement and ESG
Leading for the next decade
Closing comments
To view session leaders and descriptions, please click here.